Sunday, November 23, 2008


I created a Delicious account (sgardner2) and edited my bookmarks and tagged all of them. I have found that I do not look at my RSS site in Google, and I suspect that I will not often use the Delicious account, either. I could be wrong, of course. I have ended up posting occasionally to Twitter when at first I thought I would not use it. I have been followed by three interesting people on Twitter, so that's why I have continued with it. One is a cookbook author and I like to read about her daily doings. Gives me ideas!

I can see Delicious being very useful in a library setting. It would allow users to possibly add their own tags to Web sites the library has discovered for them, so that they could customize the site to suit their needs.

For the NebraskaAccess site, I might tag it: reading, free, library, books, magazines, Web sites, education. I agree with everyone's tags, of course. People tag for a variety of reasons and if one person finds a reason for a tag it's likely that someone else might use the site in the same way and need a similar tag.

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