Monday, October 13, 2008

Added several RSS feeds to Google Reader

I used Technorati to look for blog sites, and I also searched Google for topics of interest to see what sites would come up and then looked for feed buttons from there. I looked for baking sites, cooking sites, science-related sites, design sites, and for Digital Commons sites. I ended up subscribing to: Rose Levy Beranbaum's baking site, Science News Online, Earthquakes 5+ in the Last Seven Days site, the New York Times "most-E-mailed" list, the Penn State Digital Commons site, as well as the NLC sites that we were required to subscribe to for this assignment. I had trouble finding an interior design site that I was interested in, and I also couldn't connect to the feed from the "Cookbook of the Day" site that I found and liked. There was an error on their site. Too bad, because I really wanted that one. Though it was a good experience (in a way) to see how it doesn't work sometimes.

1 comment:

Teri said...

Well i enjoyed your blogging for today. You are searching for sites that i also like. Thanks for sending me your blog.